Welcome to Science E-learning. Lessons here are specially made for Elementary Science Grade Three.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Parts of an Insect

A. Subject Name: Parts of an Insect
B. Lesson Reference Number : Grade 3
C. Lesson Title : Body Parts of an Insect
D. Lesson Description:
This lesson will identify the different parts of an insect and tell the function of each part.

E. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson. you should be able to:
1. identify the different parts of an insect
2. tell the function of each part

F. Learning Presentation:
Insects are very small animals. Yet, they also have body parts like us. Open the link below to explore and learn about insect body parts.

Study the body parts of the grasshopper on the link below.

G. Learning Activity:
Now kids, you will label the drawing of a grasshopper on the next link. Answer only numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10. Click on the link below.
To view the answer key, go to the next link. Hope you got all the correct answers.

G. Learning Evaluation:It is now time to take a quiz. Click the link below. Just click on the link below.
H. Assignment:
Draw your favorite insect. Label its body parts. Then write a 3-sentence paragraph why you chose that insect.

Parts of a Plant

A. Subject Name : Science and Health
B. Lesson Reference Number : Grade 3
C. Lesson Title : PARTS OF A PLANT
D. Lesson Description:
This lesson will name the different parts of a plant and tell the function of each part.
E. Learning Outcome:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. name the parts of the plant
2. label the parts of the plant

F. Learning Presentation:

Do you know that plants are very important to both man and animals? Plants give food for man and animals. So kids, it is really very important for us to take care and conserve plants.
Learning the different plant parts will help us understand why we should take care of plants.
So are you ready to learn our new lesson for today? Then click on the link below to show you an illustration af the parts of plant.


Read on to the next link to know the function of each part of the plant.


Now you are ready to do the following activities.

Activity 1.

Activity 2.

H. Learning Evaluation:

Let us see how much you have learned. Click on the link below to take the quiz.

I. Assignment:
Observe a fern. What parts does it have?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Parts of the Ears and Their Functions

A. Subject Name: Science and Health

B. Lesson Reference No.: Grade 3

C. Lesson Title: Parts of the Ears and Their Functions

D. Lesson Description:
The lesson will cover the main parts of the human ear and the function of each part.

E. Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
  • identify the main parts of the ear
  • tell the function of each part
  • explain how the ears work
  • appreciate the importance of sense of hearing

F. Learning Presentation:

You've learned that we get most informations through the sense of sight. If you close your eyes, or if you are in a very dark place, can you still be aware what happens around you? Yes, you can use your sense of hearing. And that will be our topic for today - the main parts of the ears. Click on the link below to go to sound safari. Make sure your headsets are ready or the PC speakers are on.


The links below present the human ear and its main parts.



Now here is another link that illustrates again the main parts of the ear. This also explains how we hear sounds.


Want to know more about hearing? This will further deepen your learning about hearing.


G. Learning Activity:

Now answer the activity on the next link.


H. Learning Evaluation:

Ready for our short test? Go to our quizstation...


I. Assignment:

Based on the different materials you have studied from the links, make a 5-sentence paragraph telling the importance of the sense of hearing.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


A. Subject Name: Science and Health

B. Lesson Reference Number: Grade 3

C. Lesson Title: The Solar System

D. Lesson Description:
The lesson will discuss about the solar system as the sun's family. The lesson also will make students aware that the solar system is made up of the sun in the center and all the heavenly bodies that revolve around it.

E. Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
  • recognize that the sun is the center of the solar system
  • tell that there are planets and other heavenly bodies that move around the sun
  • identify the nine planets and their proper arrangement from the sun
  • appreciate the planet Earth that we live in

F. Learning Presentation:




G. Learning Activity:

Whew! What a great space travel. Now you are going to make a model of the solar system.


Now, try the next link for your next activity.


H. Learning Evaluation:

Congrats!!! Now, click on the link below to take a test.


Try completing this puzzle on the next link.


I. Assignment:

Make a model of the solar system. Go to the link below for the procedures.


Refraction of Light

A. Subject Name: Science

B. Lesson Reference Number: Grade 3

C. Lesson Title:
Refraction of Light

D. Lesson Description:
The lesson covers the process of light refraction.

E. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to explain how refraction of light occurs. They are also expected to cite different evidences of light refraction in our everyday life.

F. Learning Presentation:
Hi, kids! Today we are going to talk about refraction. Never heard of the word 'refraction' yet? Would you believe this process is evident in our day to day activities? Well then, click on the link below to learn more about refraction.

Look at the picture above. What do you see when you place a spoon in a glass of water? The spoon appears to bend where it enters the water. The pencil is not really bent. The light we see has bent as it moves from water to air. This is called

Another illustration below shows the bending of light as it passes through two transparent materials: first through air, then through glass.

Study this picture. What happened to the image of the girl when viewed through the drinking glass? This is another example of refraction or bending of light.

Explore another link below about bending of light.

G. Learning Activity:
Here are two activities for you to do. Answer all the questions after each activity.

H. Learning Evaluation:

Now, let us see how much you have learned. Click the link below to take a quiz.

I. Assignment:

Study the following link to know more about refraction and about our next topic of reflection.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Parts of the Human Eye and Their Functions

A. Subject Name : Science

B. Lesson Reference Number : Grade 3

C. Lesson Title : Parts of the Human Eye and Their Functions

D. Lesson Description :

  • The lesson plan covers the different parts of the human eye and their function.
  • The lesson makes the student appreciate the importance of each part of the eye in our evertyday life.

E. Learning Outcome:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to....

  1. identify the different parts of the human eye
  2. describe the function of each part
  3. appreciate the importance of the eye and its parts

F. Learning Presentation:

Kids, do you know that we use our eyes from the moment we wake up until the time we close them to sleep? That much of the information from our surroundings are gathered using our eyes? Look at your eyes in the mirror. What parts of the eyes can you see? You will know more about the different parts of the eyes. Just click on the links below.

Just remember, while exploring the links you should list down the different parts of the eyes and their functions.



G. Learning Activity:

Now, do the activity on the next link.


H. Learning Evaluation:

Great!!! Now that you have finished the lesson, try answering this. Just click on the link below.


I. Assignment:

Draw the human eye. Then, label the different parts and their function.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Five Sense Organs of the Human Body

A. Subject Name: Science and Health

B. Lesson Reference Number: Grade 3

C. Lesson Title :

The Sense Organs and Their Functions

D. Lesson Description:

The lesson is about the five sense organs of the human body. The function of each sense organs will be discussed to make the pupils realize the importance of each sense organs in our life.

E. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

  • identify the sense organs of the human body
  • tell the function of each sense organ
  • appreciate the importance of our sense organs

F. Learning Presentation:

Hello kids! Today we will talk about our sense organs. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day - can you count how many times we use our sense organs to know what is happening around us? Taste this! What's that smell? What a colorful dress! I can't touch that, it's hot! Listen to that music. Without knowing it, most informations we get from our surroundings are sent to our brain by our five sense organs. What if we lost them? Wouldn't life be very boring? Today, let's find out about our sense organs and learn how important these organs are.

Read the link below to know what you will learn today.


Now, read carefully a classrom dialogue about their science experiment. You can jot down important notes if you like.


G. Learning Activity

a. Explore the story about Christmas Bear and his Five Senses. Just click on the link below.


b. After finishing your adventure with Christmas Bear and Eric, list down the five senses and their functions.

c. Next, imagine yourself losing one of your sense organs. What do you think will happen if you will lose your

1. sense of sight?

2. sense of smell?

3. sense of hearing?

4. sense of touch?

5. sense of taste?

H. Learning Assessment

The lesson is finished. Now it's time for you to take a short test. Just click on the link below.


I. Assignment:

Open the following link to a deeper understanding of the five sense organs. In this link, each sense organ will be fully discussed and this will be our topic in our next lessons.
