Welcome to Science E-learning. Lessons here are specially made for Elementary Science Grade Three.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Parts of an Insect

A. Subject Name: Parts of an Insect
B. Lesson Reference Number : Grade 3
C. Lesson Title : Body Parts of an Insect
D. Lesson Description:
This lesson will identify the different parts of an insect and tell the function of each part.

E. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson. you should be able to:
1. identify the different parts of an insect
2. tell the function of each part

F. Learning Presentation:
Insects are very small animals. Yet, they also have body parts like us. Open the link below to explore and learn about insect body parts.

Study the body parts of the grasshopper on the link below.

G. Learning Activity:
Now kids, you will label the drawing of a grasshopper on the next link. Answer only numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10. Click on the link below.
To view the answer key, go to the next link. Hope you got all the correct answers.

G. Learning Evaluation:It is now time to take a quiz. Click the link below. Just click on the link below.
H. Assignment:
Draw your favorite insect. Label its body parts. Then write a 3-sentence paragraph why you chose that insect.

Parts of a Plant

A. Subject Name : Science and Health
B. Lesson Reference Number : Grade 3
C. Lesson Title : PARTS OF A PLANT
D. Lesson Description:
This lesson will name the different parts of a plant and tell the function of each part.
E. Learning Outcome:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. name the parts of the plant
2. label the parts of the plant

F. Learning Presentation:

Do you know that plants are very important to both man and animals? Plants give food for man and animals. So kids, it is really very important for us to take care and conserve plants.
Learning the different plant parts will help us understand why we should take care of plants.
So are you ready to learn our new lesson for today? Then click on the link below to show you an illustration af the parts of plant.


Read on to the next link to know the function of each part of the plant.


Now you are ready to do the following activities.

Activity 1.

Activity 2.

H. Learning Evaluation:

Let us see how much you have learned. Click on the link below to take the quiz.

I. Assignment:
Observe a fern. What parts does it have?